1 1
Title of Painting: "Finding Joy"
2 x 4 feet approx
acrylic on wood

2 2
Title of Painting: "Her Profile"
2 x 4 feet approx
acrylic on wood

3 3
Title of Painting: "Happy Woman Her Body"
2 x 4 feet approx
acrylic on wood

4 4
Title of Painting: "A Garden"
2 x 4 feet approx
acrylic on wood

5 5
Title of Painting: "The Many People Walking"
2 x 4 feet approx
acrylic on wood

6 6
Title of Painting: "The Healing of Diabetes Working"
2 x 4 feet approx
acrylic on wood

7 7
Title of Painting: "Flowers Celebrating a Cure"
3 x 4 feet approx
acrylic on wood

8 8
Title of Painting: "Thinking Feeling Love"
3 x 4 feet approx
acrylic on wood

9 9
Title of Painting: "Thinking Remembering with Flowers"
2 x 4 feet approx
acrylic on wood

10 10
Title of Painting: "Speak and Know that Sometimes Food can replace the feeling good that is missed... but that isn't right! Food is not a replacement for feelings. Food is just food and nothing more."
3 x 4 feet approx
acrylic on wood