TITLE: "MODERN ASIAN ART" 129 Days of Creative Art...
DESCRIPTION: Art Prints in a Book
Plus 10 Art Prints in a Book
SERIES: Art Prints in a book
by Author, Artist Grace Divine
Copyright Protected Published©Grace Divine
DATE: December 16, 2010

Important Disclaimer: This is experimental art. It is not medical. It is art. This is not a substitute for medical treatment. Do not use this under any circumstances as a substitute for medical treatment. All art, books (including this book & art), and events, are for fun & entertainment purposes only. They represent freedom of expression and are not written or created for any specific person or situation. Do NOT use these or anything in this site, art, books, videos, performances, etc, as an alternative for professional advice of any kind including medical, financial or other. Seek the help of your government's professional licensed professional for all purposes including doctors, financial and all other.
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